It’s been a while

It’s been a while since the last post. Not much has changed and yet so much changes. The last month of our time in Australia was difficult as stress of facing pancreatic cancer ate away at everyone’s positivity, mostly Pat’s.

In late July we celebrated Christmas in July with the whole family. Trent’s sister and her family joined us for a week on the Gold Coast which we packed with memories and noise.



Having 9 people (4 kids) in the tiny apartment each night was tough, but the memories made were undoubtedly worth it.

When Trent’s sister and her family left the apartment was quiet and the pressure of our impending departure weighed on all our minds. Pat struggled to maintain his spirits and at times he was quick to anger. This was tough to deal with for all of us, but mostly for my sensitive 7 year old son and my husband.

Treasured moments still shone through though, like the night when my 3 year old was in trouble for being a cheeky monkey and decided to escape to the only place she knew I wouldn’t take her away from – her beloved Poppy’s lap. There she stayed until she fell fast asleep – something that hasn’t happened for years with anyone except her mum (and occasionally dad).


By early August, Pat was finishing up his second round of chemo and we needed to head home for work and school. Leaving was unimaginably sad and I feel the distance every day. I’ve not spoke to Pat directly since our return, but I see the distance and stress weighing on my husband.

Pat’s struggling with a nasty cough at the moment and has lost his appetite. He met with the dietician on Monday and is meeting with a counsellor today, along with having his lungs scanned and his meeting with his oncologist. Chemo round 3 is due to begin tomorrow but I guess we’ll see how today goes before we assume anything.

Pat struggled with a cough and shortness of breath increasingly as we were leaving Australia so I think we’re all anxious to see where this goes.

In the meantime the kids are watching an Australian TV show called “The Block” which they started watching with Pat before we left and now they use as the basis for some emails. I love that Finn can have this with his Pop – these will be treasured memories

Hi Poppy

I miss you. I like watching the Block now. I think Sticks and Wombat will have the best room. Did you watch it yesterday? Don’t tell me who won. I will watch it tonight
I also liked when they screwed the shoes on the floor
I am sleeping in my own bedroom with Cha Cha now, and we got a new desk. 

Love you Poppy

Finn & Eowyn,
               I,m pleased you are getting to the block,Sticks & Wombat are my favourites too.That was funny when they screwed the boots down.I miss you guys to, but Poppy was too cranky, I,m sorry for that.
               I,m pleased you are sleeping in you own room now,Much better you guys & Mumma & Dadda.Make sure your desk is always neat & tidy.
            Love you little man glad you have a good teacher & friends in your class.Email me anytime.
               Lots of love to you all from Poppy Pat
Hi Poppy

Don’t worry about being cranky. I know it wasn’t really you, you were just feeling worried. I can’t wait to watch the Block tonight. 
I’ll ask mumma to send you some photos of my new room and desk. 

Love you so much Poppy and hope you’re feeling better

Hi Poppy

I don’t like ronnie and georgia, I hope they don’t win this week. i had a playdate with berrett this week and today is my first day of gymnastics. I have swimming tomorrow and so does cha cha. 

hope you have a good day
love you lots
Finn xoxo

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